Product Listing Policy

Product Listing Policy

  • You may not post, sell or buy any item that is restricted or prohibited by a federal, state or local law in any country or jurisdiction on
  • Please be aware that DEALIVERYM INC. does not permit any trading items that are illegal, infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others, or may easily be used for illegal purposes.
  • As a member of DEALIVERYM INC., you are responsible for ensuring that the trading items you have posted are legal or permissible. Thus, before posting any product, selling lead and/or buying lead, you need to make sure that your trading items are NOT against the 'Product Listing Policy'.
  • DEALIVERYM INC. reserves the right to remove any trading items that violate the 'Product Posting Policy' without further notice. DEALIVERYM INC. also reserves the right to disable the accounts of any members who continue to violate the 'Product Posting Policy' after having been warned.
The following is a list of products/product types that are prohibited on DEALIVERYM INC.:
  1. Illegal drugs, Precursors and drug paraphernalia
      • Any and all listing or sale of narcotics, tranquilizers, psychotropic drugs, natural drugs, synthetic drugs, steroids and other controlled substances
      • The listing or sale of all drug precursor chemicals
  1. Medical Drugs and Devices
      • The posting of prescription drugs, psychotropic drugs and narcotics is strictly prohibited.
      • The listing or sale of orally administered or ingested sexual enhancement foods and supplements is prohibited.
      • Prescription drugs or devices, controlled substances, unapproved drugs, unapproved medical devices.
  1. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Infringing Products.
      • Replica and Counterfeit Items
      • Unauthorized Copies of Intellectual Property
  1. Gold dust, gold bullion and other precious metals (not including jewelry)
      • Listings that offer the sale or buying of gold, silver and other precious metals (not including jewelry) are prohibited.
      • Rough diamonds and “conflict minerals” originating from non-compliant countries may not be listed.
  1. Counterfeit currency and stamps
  1. Tobacco Products
      • The posting of tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, pipe tobacco, hookah tobacco, chewing tobacco and tobacco leaf is prohibited.
      • The posting of electronic cigarettes is not permitted. Cigarettes accessories are permitted, however nicotine and other liquids (e-liquids) for use in electronic cigarettes is forbidden.
  1. Fake documents(e.g. Degrees or Diplomas, Government and transit documents, Government IDs and licenses)
  1. Wildlife and related animal products(e.g. pelts, skins, internal organs, teeth, claws, shells, bones, tusks, ivory and other parts)
  1. Financial services, including money transfers, issuing bank guarantees and letters of credit, loans, fundraising and funding for personal investment purposes, etc.
  1. Others
      • Adult subscription services or chatting services
      • Contracts and tickets
      • Credit card, credit repair Services, applications for financial services or loans, collection services
      • Firearms, ammunition, high-capacity magazines, stun guns, air guns, military weapons
      • Human body parts, fluids and remains
      • Job postings
      • Lottery, raffle, contests related
      • Mailing lists and personal information
      • Pornographic, erotic & adult contents including but not limited to: pictures, videos, DVDs, magazines, toys, etc.
      • Posts promoting hatred, racism or religious persecution products or images showcasing nudity.
      • Requests for donations
      • Sanctioned and prohibited items
      • Software - Unauthorized, OEM or bundled copies of software
      • Spyware, Spam ware, e-mail advertising, opt-in or any commercial messaging services
The Product Listing Policy listed as above should not be considered exhaustive in nature and shall be updated on a continuous basis.If you are unsure about the product you wish to register on in regard to its appropriateness or legality, please contact our customer service team at